hen, rubber ,tire. not so fast! shouldnt, DOUBLE FINE ACTION COMICS you 'be helpin'a car out rather than roling Scolding lil' Tire. around on your own? what about me? i wear Pretty much the same outfit. your outfit is wrong for this scenario. even with tuose water wings. well, it is my numis pool, So i make Hhe rules, Ruie 41 Kui ght should feel self consclous. that olde timey'bathing svit like seeing you utilize of yours, 2HB. Yes, You ,too, muscleman. i am glad you are uti lizim yours , as well, i know, Musclewnan. thauks for making me self con scious. you totally abuse that 'effin' power, * histouz note: last time they spent time in MUscle mans mom's pool was in comic #8! oh,damn!