Special "Brutal Legend is out" comic. nice oh, hi. I was Just choppin' some skulls for the big bonfire. the Brutal Legend Bonfire. People are really excit ed. We're all BBaing and partying about it. yo. Lars. You partying? (yes. ophelia? partying? (yes. how about you famous bros? Partying? what? who? hi!! Lita? heck. Fartying hey, mangus, the BBQ smells delish. hey, You spooky fellas enjoyiag the burgers? (tasty enough. You guys try any BBQ yet? we're Just playin' flail ball. depressed. li know it! ah. Super cute G have no hande ж Areeback! looks like you got yourself a hot deg there. You guys should do a bit of mingling. (we're fine over here. Pretty excited. well, schates, bre. everyone seems to be in pretty solid party mo de. sweet. thanks for checking in with everyone, ed die řiggs. it's hot link. Very dope. even better! well, as long as you are excited. Sco ttc.