Ecaterpilar Pretending #260 woo0 0o 000 0 0 o owo 000 o 0 he is 4 firetrvck. nm. i guess You genies are very smart, i an sisi. god of good vi bes. 3o pharoah wanted to nave a 1itle chat with you quys. what ? no no no. i'm no, i Just want you quus to Knaw that it is ok TO rela x . give Yourself that gift not here to make 40U fe el qui lty , no way. that's'not mno me once in gwhile is about the genie thing. oh. oK. You want Some ancient ok. are you 4 god 2 herbal teg? *yOV should gocheck out # 258 ag ain to see how funny it was.