i don't undersrand kids. they taik in"toy" #277 Kicking it olden school. .. hahg.trve inan olden school way. 'anguage. open ur, 2-headed baby, here comes the mango-peach what the heck? PePperoni pi 229 what? what's wrong with the Pizza train. well, first of al you're copying rme, Second, 2HB' can't conclusions on eat the piz24 babies need special baby listen, why don't yov fight Your own battles i think you are sumping Perperoni pizza train novrish ment ed on that side, foods fron Jars.while 2HB ensous not normal food eizza train over over here, train! woo wos! Woo woo! train? what 2HB Likes, train. here. ScOttc.