#300 SPecial! ne w dawn breaks. whyt was I that somd? dawn breaking? ah, small one. You have rehurnel, i feel so pleased. You look well, and still quite small. haha. Yes. my headis still ablaze, it is my prerogative, 5o... small one, what news have 1ou brought of the netherword? haha. sounds like you've been having a blast in the nether word. great. which reminds me, i wanted to send a new warrior back with You iPi covld, new warrcor, meet Small one. hey! i know You, You're 2 HB. You're in my'friends" list, W ait, You alveady know Small on e ? how? pleased to meet you, from around.* huh. Small ne ther world. * see #145 for the awesome past. S Co tt c.