i want to Stand on those squores so bad"but they CHES S PIE CES and sarmares hey, Knight. whatire you do'ing? working out. thanks, my weight shirt and pants are a new thing i am truing out. so is that plant for your foyer? karrying 1 Plant, what are You doing? nice, looks like 1 pretty Sweet workeut, no, i'm just 1,000,286 Ibs 1,000,286 ibs (very coo l. carryiny it around the block to see 1,00 0,286 Ibs L,000,286 Ibs how i like it. 2,348 2,3 48 2,3 48 2,348 378 1b 378 1b. 378 Ib. which i don't. 5o i should probably Make my wey back. hello franklin, adams. where're you off to ? nice day for that. oh, Just headed to the park to read some dọcu ments and decl ar ations. Def. Jeffersen and the gang are going to BBQ. should be good. what 's vp with you quys? oh, we're just wearing our space rock disquises. 'thompson invented them. haha. well, SPace rock collecting is one area of expertise in which i lack, and writing documents yeah if we blend in with the rocks, weshould he able to collect more and not scare so many qway. is for sure' not our bag haha oh, manhah4, Great ni, Lacy. GFS. 2HB got it for me, So i am like your hats. naked ogre, looks like you're wearing a shirt. That's Something iquess. giving 2HB some piggy back rides nice. what do they do? they're octo ps hats Just wiggle asound. (Ivcky 2HB. Se. t t c.