my comic ABOUT me#124 sweet Thek howeR- ABIE MENTON ANY WAY YOU GUys Are qeLAT! Fnee to JUDGE Them ON YOUR OWN. Its ok iF you Like YOURS The BeST. AT The momeNt my FANOnite is FAe NORS. NOT ONly Does he Isne l?) hAve A cool NAme But The use oF The WORD meANNHIlE is GrUAT AN what i ATe NAS Green SPINACH wow ThAT Also ;Like OSKARIS(MOThe 5 дее ThANks FOR TAKING TW Tim, I will JUDge A Couple Now But Feel wosam Sym COOL NAME S Though iF The sopERhero wAS BORIS, The huik MAYBe AND it wouls Jessies NORKA way ANY Out FOR Check Them Better, oveRAll But WHAT evs. good Ness, 6ISO seAN FoR DRAWiNg with A mouse, AND THANKS to my KiN Dpely. AND RANDOMNESS AWAYRP Goesto HAWAIIANDRAGON 90 ! Thanks FOR PLAYING! my comic ABOUT 'me =#123 5pecial FRIDAY DO it YOURSelF FIll IN The BIANKS issue ll FAChel O'grien Bay Am i i CANT Believe Ate - The MпрH Buy Feel Free TO JUST LAugh THATS Co01 hungRy hungRy ugRY whole (word goo) ThiNG! TOO. Pur it up oN The woRlD wIDe iNterNet MAY Be . DOnt Feel OBUGATCD my comic ABOUT me =#123 5pecial FRIDAY DO it YoURselF FIll IN The BIANKS issue ll email YouRs AND i will JUDGE Them Thou gh. AND BORIS RUCKES Bay Am i i CANT Believe Ate -The whole Feel FRee TO JUST LAugh THATS Co01 hungRy ThiNG! TOD. Pur it up oN The woRlD wIDe interNet MAY Be . DOnt Feel OBUGATCO my comic ABOUT me =#123 5pecial FRIDAY DO it yoURselF FIll iN The BIANKS issue ll email youRs AND i will JUDGE Them Thou qh. AND Bobbin THREADARE&(ANeSome> NAME) i CANT Believe MM... Biy Am i SLUR! Feel Free TO JUST LAugh ThATS Co01 Ate hungRy - The whole ThiNG! TOD. Pur it up oN The woRlo wiDe INterNet MAY Be. Dont Feel OBLIGATEO my comic ABOUT me #123 5pecial FRIDAY DO it YOURSELF FIll IN The BIANKS issue 1l email YouRs AND i will JUDGE Them Thou AND Jess ie Riqgles Boy i CANt Believe i Ate The whole Bay AM i Am i IN NEEDOF A SHAVE. Feel Free To JUST LAUGH Тиаrs Co01 hungRy ThiNG TOD. Pur it up oN The WORID WIDe INterNet MAY Be. DOnt Feel OBUGATCD my comic ABOUT me #123 5pecial FRIDAY Do it YoURselF FIll IN The BIANKS issue ll email YouRs AND i will JUDGE Them Thou AND Help! The nix ture is un stab le! st must be dispo sed of SeAn Geggie Buy Am i hungRy i CANT Believe i Ate - The whole ThiNG! To The oh MAN, 9REAT Timing! Resauel. :GRAB: Man, I don't even hove a vacom toblet & drawing w.amouse talke s FOREVER!! - Sean. my comic ABOUT me #123 5pecial FRIDAY Do it YoURselF FIll iN The BIANKS issue ll Mean while... FAEINOR Biy Am i hungRy Great farty! i CANT Believe i Ate - The Wow Three Full bowls of spinach whole here in deed ThiNG! 3 Faelnor did it and that too not that thaugh s my comic ABOUT me #123 5pecial FRIDAY DO it YoURSelF FIll iN The BIANKS issue l DAVID KINNE Hee-hee! They cannot see me. I shall i CANt Believe i Ate - The All of my dreams will come true. (Except the one with the giant oyster, that one always freaks me out and is not cool) Bay smear this face paint all over my face and shirt and make them think I ate (Wait, what if it does come true? I don't want Feel FRee TO JUST LAugh THATS Coo1 TOD. something gross. to do this if I have to deal hungRy Then I will be famous. with any giant oysters.) Man. What am I gonna do? whole Oh no! I hear ThiNG! the Internet coming! Pur it up oN The WORID WIDe iNterNet MAY Be. Dont Feel OBLIGATEO my comic ABOUT you =#123 5pecias SATURDA Did it mYselF FillediN The BIANKS issue l -Mewd email youRs AND i will Thou ahe JUDGE Them AND You smell like Chicken. OSKARI KAllio Bay Am i Hello sir! i CANT Believe | Ate - The whole hunqRy ThiNG! | SENSE A DISTURBANCE IN THE FORCE my comic ABOUT me #1z3 stecial FRIDAY Do it youRselF FIl iN The BIANKS isSue I! i CANT Believe HANAILANDRAGON90 B.y Fou minutes later plate Feel Pee Ate To JUST LAugh Thats hungRy - The whole THING! TOt. They email youns AuD i wiH JVOGE Tham ND ?or it up oN The worlD WiDe inteRNet May Be.Dont Feel ORGATEO my comic ABOUT me #123 special FRIDAY Do it youRselF FIll iN The BlANks issue !! DuDely STAPiey Biy Am i hungRy i CANT Believe I Ate -The whole THING! Feel Feee To JUST LAugh Thars Co01 Too. email youRS AND i will JVDGE Them Theu Pur it up oN The woRlo wiDe InterNet MAY Be . Dunt Feel OBLGATEO AND MMAHA