My Comis Aboue epUTAINMent: Ihe historyy of Hanukkat 248 165 BC,JERUSALEM.. hey, NiCE Job i kNow. hey, we Shoulo Rededicate This well, All deAneD vp. Lets Lighr up this MANORA & NIce. LATER 8 DAYS LATER killing All those hellenist SyriANS SOwe coulD get our TemPle BACK, you too MAN, i'CANT Believe DANG Sti. 9oing its A MIRACIE. PIACE PROBABLY- PARTY.. greAr jDeA Those - hellenist SVRIANS ReAlly Messeb it up, ONly have ENough oil FOR ONe DAy. TOTally They TRieD 10 MAKE us EAT BACON, eUu. StvpiD hellenist SYRIANS I KNOW I. history ChaNnel.com