My Comis Aloue MotathopiCAl phish ... with halF OF YOUR SkiN Peelep OFF AND TONS OF wires Sticking out OFF YOUR BUutt... n CNOT the STUPID BAND THAT i useD to Like A LONG time AGO BUt NOw DONT NO OFfeNse iF you Still ANY WAY yeah you qet All FRIENDIY with A humAN AND Next thiNg you KNOW youre LOCkeD ve iNA CAGE.. well, its up to you if you WANT to BAKE yoUR OWN CAKE AND LAY Like them yikes iNDeed well i Like This humaN AND ThiNK iwill CONtINUE To Be FRIENDS with nim ARe qoOD music IANS. yikes YOURE weiRD 350