My Comis About TAlkiNg with DiNosAvestt 367 Se This iNterview is over! gooD BeCAuse its imPossiBle ANYWAYS DINOSAURS AND humANS WCRE Never ReA lly oN The CARth TOGether . AND eyeglAsses FOR So YoURe SAYING. you CAN CommuniCAte with This TINY DINOSAUR Using A TRANSIATOR OF YOUR Design? RORY RUssell. RighT, RORY Russell. yup. The CRAZYthiNg is thAT he UNDERSIANDS eNqlish, which is qreAt BeCAUse its JUST A ONe WAY TRANSLATOR MAY LATER... Sure RAR RAR RARA RAR yes, i ENJOYED THAT WEREN Film. TOM HANKS AROUND WAS DINO - when SAURS ROAMED The CARHH. EXcelleNt. aeeveeee.