My Comio About me # 476 hA! i meAN hi! ive Been Lots OF COUNTRY When i WAS YOUNGER i woulD SAY THINGS ике; NOw i JUST SAY; i Like every KIND i ike every KIND OF music excePt COUNTRY. OF YO Delahee yobelahee yoelAhee 'ho. IN music, NAShvilk TeNNessee FOR A Bit. except thAT AFRICAN PolyRhythmiC, PAUL simOn GRACELAND tYpe OF CRAP. music here. i thought i WAS PRetty Clever. i quess i still thiNk im PReHtY CleveR. i'm here with my GIRIFRIEND. heR NAme is INGRID BUt everyone CAIIS her INi. LAST NighT We WATCHED A movie it WAS FReezing. ithiNk they tuRNED UP The AIR CONDIrioneR So we cONt get FRISKY. 3D moviE Likes: SleepiNg HATES: GeoRGe Lopez we were the ONly One's in The TheATeR AND gooD Looking9. BeCAUse Sheis Fom ARgeNtiNA. She Dio'Nt Really SAY FRISKY Though.