My Comio About histoRicAl momeNts in histoRy # 478 CALiguLA. SIR, The sea is too Stormy AgaiN TODAY. WHAT ShAll we Do? DAMIT! imso sick ihATe The GOD'S - OF Their S#!* AAAAAAA ARAAAA INEPTVNE MT RUShmore. Yes, i Know. But some - Thing's come uP AND we ReAlly Need it. But thats our Well, WhAT DO LATER.. You need it FOR? oh, you KNOW, Zone. WOO. io00 ( STUFF. MM. Воому Discovery OF AmeRiCA. TIERRA! si, esto es Tierra. Tierra es mui bueNo. si. CALIGULA #2. Running LATE they're on Their WAY Now NOW where Are Those young Boys AND Piranhas i oroereD!? NOW I WANT THEM Now/ SIR. NOW NOW ow Aи NOW JOW NO NOUN NO VACCINATIONS. SMAll POX SUX! LOL! LEPROCY , WORST EVAR. OMFG