My Comic About Spx memoirs meeting Dustin Harbin, a dude I've Known on the internet hi! i went to SpX LASF ates A COuple sP weeks AGo. İt is A Comic baok CON vENtlon. here are Some memoiRs. SHARED TABIe with scoH, TASha and RYAN. DUSTIN WAS NexT to US. meeting Pen aND Natasha For A Long time. AND whAT May i Do For you Gentlemen This GlORious) APternoon? BUS RIDe TO DC. Phil Scott KATE RYAN out op ShoweR Fully Dressed. Britt and vicki helpeo me mAke my mini comics. Unorganized restaurants. Crutching to 7-11 Twitter Coaching Phil ON the wa y Back to Ny. you quys WANT this 'ChickeN? I wish i Brou ghT my Folder Thing, Thing? whAT'S A Polder A Thing That Folds Things. This Foot CAn qo TO hell. GO GO GO GO GO! NO ThANks. Just Kidding. FOot.