My Comio Aboue weekeND memoirs by mathaapy went to MOCCA with Scott C. I MADE 432 ) COACKWARDS cOUNtiNg Toke) 2o Xx00 SOMETHING TO I SAW olD FRIENDS & met New ONes.. A BOOK ReAl FAST. I Solp Them All! There ARe ONLY 20 OF BOOKS i GOT: CRY ABOUT HA!- TOM GAVID I MOCCA STRNDS FOR SomerhinG * REIATED tO comic BookS GUY DelisLE LANghi- NERD Them ON this PIANET.* *JUST Like The ORIGINAL DecIA- RATION OF INDEPENDENCE 's GThere might Be Less OF those) JASON Me EXPLAIN İN9 JOHANN SFAR ALL ARE qreki. etc.