My Comio About A Chaistmas CARol CHRISTMAS Eve. I must Finish This work to make moNey POR my Family FOR Christmas CAUSE we are So pooR AND I want to Buy A chrisTmas qoose too. you Are the WORST employee! AND you SUCK at every thiNg! NO CHRISTMAS MONEY FOR YOU, BOB CRATChif! Wy TINX hi Daddy prew you 9 PictuRe yes siR PAT PAT hope you Got HHAT money FOR CHRISTMAS! i hate that old JERKI Boiled Shoe Leather with Shoe LACes. nope. mr SCROoge Said i SUCK ANO iDONt DeseRve ANY mONey- oh, thATS NOT nice. He's Just A LONely olD mAN. WHATS FOR Dinner? YUMmy TO Be CoutINuep