my comic ABOUT me #ĦS VE TY ix hi yes my SuiRt is PINK. SINCE ive 9oteN So MANY COmmeNtS ON It to DAY I WOODLAND hills CA C. 2064 hey Beg (me:) oh No.I DNt VAVE A collAReD ShiRt. (Steve:) ok ill Buy you JNe if i CAN Pick it (NICKNAME WANT to go golpning? Out. my FRIEND Steve SINCE) GOLF GOLF (me OK! (CollAReD Thought i woolo Tell you howi Though'F've GNly tN MY LiFe CollARED ShiRT Re- Qu ireD SURE, eveN Been z TImes ShiRT Re-Qu iReD AQUIRED it ... (me)4