How do I change the language? (Costume Quest)
Common Issue
I'm trying to change the language in Costume Quest but I can't figure out how to do it in-game.
Costume Quest supports English, French, German, Italian and Spanish languages. However, to get these working you have to set them before you enter the game.
In Steam:
Before launching the game, if you right click on Costume Quest in your Library and go to Properties, you should see a language drop down there to select the language.
Costume Quest Steam Properties
For other launchers, if they don't have a way to set the language in the properties, you can do this manually going to the folder where the game is installed, then going into the Data > Config folder. There you should see a file called Language.cfg
Edit the text in this file as follows and then save the file:
Language | Setting |
English | language = 'enUS' |
French | language = 'frFR' |
German | language = 'deDE' |
Italian | language = 'itIT' |
Spanish | language = 'esES' |