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Stuttering/crackling audio (Day of the Tentacle Remastered)


Audio appears to stutter or crackle while playing on Windows



We have included the ability to disable FMOD DSP via a command-line option --DisableFMODDSP. Note however that this option might not entirely fix the problem, but is more of a way to minimize CPU overhead while the game is running, which could cause audio stuttering.

Steam Launch Settings for Day of the Tentacle Remastered

The Steam Launch Settings for Day of the Tentacle Remastered.

To disable FMOD DSP in Steam

  1. Make sure the Steam client has updated to a BuildID greater than or equal to 1032456.
    • Right-click on Day of the Tentacle Remastered in Steam Library, select Properties.
    • Click on the Local Files tab.
    • You should see the Current content BuildID: XXXXXXX, which should be greater than 1032456.
  2. Change the launch option to --DisableFMODDSP.
    • Right-click on Day of the Tentacle Remastered in Steam Library, select Properties.
    • Click on the General tab (should be default).
    • Click on Set Launch Options...
    • Add --DisableFMODDSP to the input box and click OK.
  3. Run the game.

To disable FMOD DSP in DRM-free builds

  1. The option to run --DisableFMODDSP is in v1.1.6 or greater.
  2. Construct a way to run the Dott.exe with the command line paramater  --DisableFMODDSP.
  3. You will most likely have to drop into a command line and run C:\Dott.exe --DisableFMODDSP.

Other potential fixes

  • Update the Realtek high definition drivers to
  • Other users have found launching the game in Windows 8 compatibility mode from Windows 10 has also fixed their sound issue.
  • Try lowering the sample rate of your sound card from anything higher than 44.1 khz to  44.1 khz.

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