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Mysterious Hole Discovered!

Harper Jay Harper

In the early days of Double Fine, whose time you can find documented in some of Tim's old posts, the studio was in a different office than we are now. To hear the old-timers talk about it, that place was a disaster. Double Fine was a scrappy place and that meant an office with some pain points. The one that folks like Kee or Rusty tell me about are the toilets. If it rained too much, they would basically explode. I will leave it to your imagination to paint the proper picture.

But we've been at our current office for quite a while. Twenty years and probably more than that. We do not have exploding toilets or other strangeness. Even if we take into account that time Tim saw a rat fight. It's a pretty normal place except for our exceptionally bright decor. That was, at least, until this week. I don't know who first found it but I was on my way to the kitchen and found everyone gathered by one of our brick walls.

There was a hole in the wall.

It's there. Small but not some kind of half-way job. You can look through it to the outside world! The hot Californian air smacked right into your eyeball. No one has noticed the hole until now. Years and years of hanging stuff on art boards on that very wall! Years and years of at least a few tall people who were at the right height to see it. Seriously, how did Greg Rice not see this? He's almost seven feet tall! Why didn't one of those hummingbirds slip in somehow? What is going on?! Is this corporate espionage?

The hole has become a sort of office tourist spot both for the strangeness and because it invites folks to wonder. In a boring world, this is probably some something that was bored into the brick so that wires or something could come through at one time or another. In another word, a wall-clinging mouse chewed the stone for fifteen years to get through.

It's a bit worrisome that this mysterious gateway, certainly accessible to any enterprising spirits or ghost, arrives right at the start of Halloween time. I vote in favor of barricading the hole! I'm not getting grabbed by ghoulies!

Of course, that's not up to me. But we can't do nothing? Can we? The hole is FACT of our lives now... Waiting there... Maybe I should go admire it more right now. The wind! Yes, the howling wind is calling...

Huh? Was I saying something? Well, the point is that there's a dang hole in the wall! And who knows what'll happen next here at the studio. Snakes in the ceiling? Only time will tell!

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