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Tim Schafer Tim

More plugs!

Yes, plugs may be considered a form of advertising, but listenā€”we are giving you the comics for free, so choke down the plugs! And the ā€œadsā€ are only for the extracurricular activities of our exceptional staff. Hereā€™s why this is really a testament to you, the fans: I know it is annoying to wait for a game to come out. Even an excellent one like Psychonauts. But if you sample the individual creative works of the team one by one, that will make it a much richer experience when you finally get to hear them singing together in one mighty voice, in the holy choir that is our game. Oh, so hereā€™s the plug:

Go to the Bottom of the Hill TOMORROW NIGHT and witness hard-working Double Fine programmer Anna Kipnis unleash the fury of her rock. She is playing drums and keyboards and singing with the Husbands. I think Iā€™m going to go, and if you go, then make sure that you let me know that youā€™re there, so I can aim at you when I stage dive.

If you live elsewhere and you are bored with these plugs for local events, then please tell me where you live and Iā€™ll plug something there. Iā€™m here to help. Iā€™m just trying to keep people busy so they donā€™t riot before the game comes out. Of course, if you DO happen to riot on accident, make sure you grab yourself a free XBOX so you can play Psychonauts.

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